Saturday, November 10, 2012


I did my “soundwalk” when I commuted from my home at Westchester County to Hunter College. It takes me about one hour and twenty minutes to get to Hunter College. Must of my commuted I do is listen to the things that happened around me, usually I listen to music on my iPhone. But this time I listen with more precaution to the sounds that surrounded me. I began to listen to new sounds that I never pay any attention before. For example, the wind inside the train that follows against the borders of the window. I see a big difference in the sounds of the morning commuted than the afternoon. Usually in the morning is much quitter than the afternoon. In the morning you can hear the background sounds that could be the engine of the train and the sound of the tracks, it can barely be hear from inside of the train. The foreground sound would be the heat inside of the train, sometimes the ring of a cellphone and the man who says “tickets please.” A sound is different in different environments like the city you can hear a louder sound than in Westchester County, expect for the train. The sounds that are unique for me is a crowd of people talking it almost sounds like a bunch of bees; I think that’s unique. The texture of the sound, a hard texture would be the engine of the train and the soft texture would by the inside of the train, but only in the mornings because the afternoon its different, people are talking, laughing, and etc. People have more energy in the afternoon than the morning commuted. In this exercise I learn new sounds that were always there, but a never pay any attention or time to listen to it.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shower Scene From "Psycho"

Mise en scene

In the suspense film, “Psycho” directed by Alfred Hitchcock presents the character named Marion Crane. She is a young woman who has steal 40,000 dollars from her employer’s client. Now she is on her way to California to meet her boyfriend but the stormy rain forces her to spend the night in a motel. In the motel room she has guiltiness of her actions and decides to return the money. In the shower scene, we can see many elements of Mise en scene to help us understand the inner thoughts of the character. The scene begins with Marion going to take a shower, allowing the audience become part of her life, to be more intimate with the character. Right away we can see foreshadowing, starting with Marion flushing the toilet; it can represent how a life is draining away. The film was made in black and white; the shower scene was well lighted, giving us a sense of a warm and what an everyday shower looks like. Also, the walls and the tiles are white. Marion enters into the shower then, she opens the water without even feeling, if the water is good or not; giving us a heads up that something unpredictable was about to happen. The camera’s point of view is directed towards the showerhead making the water seem violent and consuming. Marion closes the curtain of the shower leaving her in a small space, the lines of the tiles and the curtain brings a sense of how trap she is, exemplifying the bars of a prison. All of the sudden we can see a shadow approaching her, the closer it gets to her the bigger it gets. The lights are everywhere but not in the intruder that attacks her with a knife which makes us hard to identify the aggressor. As soon as the killer opens the curtain the suspense and frightening music is played to terrify the audience.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Creative Statement

My name is Jorge Gallego, I was born and raised in Ecuador. When I was 12 years old, my parents decided to move to the United States to give my sister and I a better education. After graduating from High school, I decided to attend SUNY Westchester Community College. Where I began studying Communications and Media Arts and graduated with an associate’s degree. While I was doing my degree in Communication and Media I began to get interested in film. I began to take courses on film, television, journalism and radio. But the film courses were engaging that I put more dedication on learning them. One thing that film got me attracted is that you as a film director you can bring a story on a paper to life and tell the story from your own vision. The directors that I admired are Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Guillermo del Toro, Robert Rodriguez and many others. For example, Robert Rodriguez does everything for his movies, like music, cinematographer, director, writer and producer. Also, allowing him to stay in low budget. I like how Rodriguez does many jobs in his films giving him creative freedom. I hope to pursued my career as a film director and confidently create my own company to do movies. Also, I like listening to music like rock, pop, hip hop many types of Latin music, as long as they are good. The music helps you feel any emotion by only listen and inspires you to created new ideas. The sports that I like play are soccer, golf, and basketball. My favorite soccer team would be Real Madrid from Spain.